Milan Andrejevic, Joshua White, Daniel Feuerriegel, Simon Laham & Stefan Bode
Response time modelling reveals evidence for multiple, distinct sources of moral decision caution (MathPsych 2021)
Lea Frermann & Mirella Lapata
Categorization in the Wild: Category and Feature Learning across Languages (CogSci 2021)
Piers Howe, Andrew Perfors & Keith Ransom
What interventions can decrease or increase belief polarisation in a population of rational agents? (CogSci 2021)
Jacob Kuek & Vanessa Ferdinand
Zipf’s law of abbreviation and common ground: Past communicative success hampers the re-optimization of language (CogSci 2021)
Keith Ransom, Andrew Perfors & Rachel Stephens,
Social meta-inference and the evidentiary value of consensus (MathPsych 2021, CogSci 2021)
Aurélien Fermo and Charles Kemp
Temporal Continuity and the Judgment of Actual Causation (CogSci 2021)
Hyungwook Kim, Olivera Savic, Alex Barkheimer, Vladimir Sloutsky & Simon Dennis
The mystery of early taxonomic development (CogSci 2021)