Participants who asked to be listed.

Ananthan Ambikairajah Ananthan Ambikairajah is a passionate neuroscientist, educator and science communicator. His research interests include genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors which influence brain health, with a particular focus on neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia. Ananthan is currently completing his PhD, which aims to investigate how physiological changes during midlife impact the brain. Ananthan is determined to conduct research that can have a positive, widespread impact on society, in addition to communicating his scientific work to the public to spark interest, critical thought and encourage scientific discourse.
Simon van Baal I am a PhD student working in the field Behavioural Economics at Monash University in Melbourne. My work focuses on Patience and Impulsivity, and I’m especially interested in Intertemporal Choice.
Jennifer Baldock I am a PhD student at Flinders University in Adelaide. I specialise in cognitive science and hearing science and my research examines how hearing status, light level and fatigue affect the task-evoked pupil response during effortful listening. I am very keen to learn more about R programming, data science and open science and I am looking forward to meeting like minded people!
Jennifer Beaudry I am a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and the Academic Director (Research Training) for the School of Health Sciences at Swinburne University of Technology. My research sits at the intersection of Psychology and Law, with a focus on factors that influence eyewitness identification decisions, how eyewitness identification evidence is used by decision-makers (e.g., jurors, lawyers, judges), and how this evidence should be presented in court.
Kathryn Blake I’m a grad dip psychology student from UniMelb, and did my undergrad in applied mathematics. I’m interested in anxiety, developmental trauma, and computational modelling.
Sarah Bonell I’m a second year PhD candidate at UniMelb. My research interests include body image and body modification practices, appearance-related stigma, and morality. Currently I am investigating the moralisation of appearance enhancement – that is, when and why individuals assign moral values to particular beauty practices.
Alexander Burger I’m a first year graduate diploma student in psychology and a research assistant for a clinical research lab at Melbourne Uni. I am pursuing my goal to become a researcher and/or clinical psychologist but also have a strong background in programming as an engineer. In my spare time I love mountain biking
Angus Burns Hello, I’m Angus! I am a PhD Student at the Monash Sleep and Circadian Medicine Laboratory studying the genetics of human non-visual light sensitivity. I also have a strong side-interest in computational modeling of cognition.
Eden Clothier I’ve just completed psych honours at Adelaide Uni, and completed a project looking at human performance on facial comparisons with images of children. I hope to continue to explore this area with a PhD and look at ways to improve performance in both humans and systems and am interested in applying computational models to this work. I also work as a research assistant on a project focused on exploring perceptual expertise in fingerprint examiners.
Andrew Corcoran I’m a PhD candidate at Monash, studying how the brain integrates information about the body and the environment over time. Enjoy lurking around cat groups on Facebook.
Saoirse Connor Desai I’m a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of New South Wales. I did my PhD at City, University of London and my research focused on how people process corrections to misinformation. More generally, I’m interested in how people reason from uncertain information.
Tess Douglass
Sebastian Duggan After a brief career in structural engineering and having just completed the Graduate Diploma of Psych at UniMelb, I am now a prospective honours student at there. My main interests are largely undetermined at this point, despite a general concern for all things cognitive and language oriented. Wherever they emerge, I’m confident they’ll require some data analysis and modelling skills!
Dylan Hammond Ex-artist. Soon-to-be Psychologist. Wanna-be data hog. (Enjoys computational models of behaviour and interested in their application to clinically relevant questions).
Jody Teo Ping Ern I’m a second-year undergraduate psychology student at UoM, pursuing a research career. I’m assisting with a PhD project on moral concern for animals. My interests lie in the cognitive and social aspects of the self.
Nickolas Falkner I do a lot of work in CS education research and ethical data, and want to look into how we can carry out better analysis with the smallest amount of personal data possible. I’m developing a new cross-disciplinary program of study and want to make sure that we get a really solid basis in the analysis of human data.
Aurélien Fermo I’m a French Master’s student in Cognitive Science at the Ecole normale superieure of Paris (ENS Ulm), enrolled for one year in the Study Abroad Research program of the University of Melbourne. I’m particularly interested in Bayesian models of collective reasoning and perceptual decision-making.
Rachel Freeman-Robinson
Luke French I am a PhD Student at the University of Queensland School of Psychology. My research uses mathematical modelling to examine how we make judgements and categorisations for stimuli with reduced visual information, such as highly pixilated images.
Omidreza Ghasemi I am a PhD student of cognitive science at Macquarie University. I aim interested in investigating how people reason and how their reasoning processes interact with their personal or political beliefs.
Taylor Gogan I am currently undertaking a PhD in psychology at Swinburne University of Technology. My research focuses on human facial recognition and how we form personality impressions from faces. Specifically I am interested in how these two processes intersect.
Nicky Guerin I gained my PhD in applied cognitive psychology, focused on memory and decision processes in eyewitness identification, and am now a Research Fellow at the Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer at Cancer Council Victoria. I work on diverse projects including population monitoring of tobacco and other substance use, public health campaign development and evaluation, experimental work on behaviour change interventions, and analyses of the effectiveness of public health policy (e.g., the effect of tax increases on sales of tobacco products).
Jessica Guy I am a third year PhD student in the area of Developmental Psychology. I am interested in children’s screen time and how screen use affects young children’s learning and social interactions.
Gregory Humble I recently finished my honours year in neuroscience at Monash University. Throughout the year I investigated whether altered prefrontal cortical activity was altered in experienced mindfulness meditators using transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with EEG. I have developed a keen interest in using techniques that probe neural activity in vivo in the healthy human brain. I’m interested in many areas of neuroscience, but in particular consciousness and ‘the self’. I meditate, play badminton, go camping and waterskiing/snowboarding. I’m also obsessed with learning new skills.
Carlos Ibaviosa I’m a recent Honours graduate in psychology (University of Adelaide) and an aspiring wrongful convictions researcher. I am yet to lock down a PhD topic, but my research interests include decision making, memory, and cognitive and social biases in the forensic context. In the long term I hope to use psychological research to create positive legal reforms and advance the Innocence Project in Australia.
Emmelyne Jack I am a PhD student at the University of Melbourne. I am interested in the neural and behavioural differences associated with formal music training. In particular, I address the Executive Functions, and how differences in cognitive flexibility might influence emotional flexibility.
Reece Jones I’m a Grad Dip and prospective honours student at UniMelb, interested in the ways that biometrics and psychometrics can be modelled and applied to predicting behaviour in marketing.
Kayla Jordan I’m a first year PhD student from the University of Waikato in New Zealand. My research is investigating the role of fluency in producing overconfident judgements. I’m interested in learning more about open science and data analysis in R.
Christoph Klebl I’m a PhD student at Uni Melb studying aesthetics, morality, and environmental concern.
Moritz Krusche I’m a PhD candidate at the School of Psychology at UNSW Sydney. My research projects broadly uses eye-tracking to investigate decisions under risk and reward. There are also links to financial decision-making and gambling research. Given that we are primarily visual animals, eye-movements can serve as a window into where our attention lies while weighting options. This can be mathematically represented as evidence accumulation, which is what I would like to learn how to implement in R.
Talira Kucina I am a second-year PhD candidate in Psychology at the University of Tasmania. My research interests include metacognition, decision making, visual search, and memory. I am interested in both theoretical and applied outcomes with my current research examining how various metacognitive judgments interact with different decision tasks.
Marvin Kai Hei Law PhD Student in Cognitive Psychology, I’m looking at metacognition and decision-making, particularly on heuristics and biases. In my spare time, I rock climb and play my piano and guitar.
Georgia Lewis Grad Dip student with a background in art history. Interested in the psychology of art reception and art’s role in mental health.
Shuting Li I am a PhD student at the University of Melbourne. My research project focuses on attentional performance in people on the autism spectrum. I am looking forward to learning more about data analyses and programming!
Nicole Cruz de Echeverria Loebell I am a cognitive scientist based at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. My research focuses on reasoning and decision making under uncertainty, using tools from experimental psychology, philosophical logic, and computational modelling.
Carmen Lynch
Ryan Maloney Following my PhD at the University of Melbourne in computational neuroscience, I’ve held research posts at University of Sydney, UNSW and University of York (UK) before taking up my current role as senior data analyst for the Surgical Audits Division at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) headquarters in Melbourne.
Yuan Meng I’m a PhD student at UC Berkeley studying cognitive development using Bayesian models. I look at how children learn about the social and physical world through active exploration and from others. Increasingly more, I want to apply cognitive models to investigating human cognition in the wild (e.g., active learning in MOOCs, explanations on Reddit, etc.)!
Luckshmitha Mohanraj I just finished my undergraduate degree in Psychology. I’m interested in cognitive neuroscience, especially theories about consciousness.
Laerke Mygind My recent research has focused on transactions between physical environments, behaviors and affect. In my PhD, I will investigate how residential greenery influences children’s social development and associated neural underpinnings. I will be using environmental data from satellite imagery and electroencephalogram data. Very excited to be part of the CHDSS 2019!
Shaunagh O’Sullivan PhD student at the Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne and Orygen, the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health. My research is in the area of e-mental health. The aim of my PhD is to identify and characterise user profiles in eOrygen’s moderated online social therapy interventions (MOST) to predict treatment outcomes, and to predict disengagement based on daily usage patterns.
Jennifer Overbeck I’m an associate professor (I know!! It’s never too late to develop new/better methods skills!) at Melbourne Business School. My PhD was in social psych and I study processes involving power, status, negotiations, and groups.
Mantavya Patel Research Masters student at Swinburne University with a focus on Developmental psychology and Neuropsychology. Currently I am looking at Theory of Mind in children.
Elise Rowe I am a final year PhD student at Monash University working in the field of computational neuroscience. My PhD work focuses on the areas of attention, conscious perception and predictive coding theory; with a major component being EEG data analysis (specifically using SPM and DCM).
Matthew Ryan I am a current PhD student at the University of Adelaide. I am completing my PhD in the field of Statistics, looking at the statistical analysis of longitudinal fMRI data with aims to predict biomarkers of mental health issues in adolescence.
Mevagh Sanson I am a postdoc at the University of Waikato, NZ. My primary research interest is clinical cognition, in the overlap between symptoms of disorder and autobiographical memory.
Natalia Scharfenberg
Elizabeth Summerell I’m a third-year PhD candidate at UNSW. I am broadly interested in the study of emotions and their regulation. My research focuses on the development of evidence-based strategies for the reduction of anger and aggression.
Stephanie Summersby I am a PhD student in Psychology at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. My research interests include forensic psychology, expert evidence, and face perception.
Claudia Szabo I’m interested in complex systems research.
Nicole Yuen Tan I am a PhD candidate from the Australian National University. My main area of research is belief formation and updating in highly anxious individuals. In my previous honours research, I looked into the relationship between anxiety and decision-making under ambiguity across different domains of situations. I am particularly interested in Bayes’ theorem and advanced statistical research methods. Outside of PhD, I try my best to expand my practical knowledge about psychology in field-related work including working as a research assistant and registered behaviour technician.
Harvey Tran I’m currently undertaking a PhD at UoM with a focus on Huntington’s disease. I am interested in data science and data visualization as well as learning psychology as a hobby.
Derek Weber I’m a computer scientist with 20 years experience at DST Group working in social media analytics. I’m also currently in my second year of a part-time PhD in the area computational propaganda, currently focussing on detecting coordinated online behaviour. I’m looking forward to learning R and getting experience with more statistical methods.
Daniel Wraith-Franck I did my honours research on computational models of recognition memory and really enjoyed it. However, I’ve applied for clinical psychology masters next year and hope to go into the year with some advanced statistical skills.
Lyulei Zhang I’m a psychology honours student at the University of Melbourne. I am interested in computational models of cognitive processes, neuropsychology and psychopharmacology.
Wolf Zimmermann I am an undergraduate student in psychology with a background in computer science. I am interested in AI, cognition, moral psychology and moral philosophy.
Lena Zou-Williams I am a second year PhD student, conducting a cross-discipline research between marketing and cognitive neuroscience. My research investigates cultural differences in the basic cognitive domains and examines how these cultural differences would impact the effectiveness of global marketing. It combines psychological methodologies (e.g., questionnaires, cognitive testing, eye-tracking and EEG) and marketing methodologies (e.g., collecting real-world sales data). I am interested in developing computational models to build meaningful connections among various types of human data, and to bridge the gap between psychological/cog-neurological data and buying decisions. Further, I am also interested in using computational analyses to help understand cultural differences and similarities in human cognitive processes and behaviours.